Orleans Career and Tech Ed students attend Construction Days
Building Trades: Brett Jepson (Medina), Alex Gomez (Medina), Nick Burke(Lockport), Sean Ogden (Lockport), Josh Taylor (Newfane), Josh Bedford (Roy Hart), Jon Eggert (Roy Hart), Brandon Fuller (Lockport), Jason Criswell (Lockport), Collin Wissinger (Roy Hart). Mr. Matt Anastasi, teacher. Electricity: Anthony Annalora (Lockport), Matt Chutko (Roy Hart), Jordan Deuel (Roy Hart), Josh Ellsworth (Lockport), Daniel Gardner (Barker), Andy Gelyon (Newfane), Kyle Graham (Albion), Mike Hinkley (Medina), Jacob Nizialek (Newfane), Zach Pisarski (Barker), Charles Ricci (Medina), Josh Scroger (Medina) and Aaron Wysochanski (Lockport). Mr. Bill Leggett, teacher.
Press Release, Orleans/Niagara BOCES
Students in Matt Anastasi’s Building Trades program and Bill Leggett’s Electricity and Electronics recently spent a day at the Western New York Construction Days. The event is hosted by the Buffalo Building and Construction Trades Council and its union affiliates.
“It is a great experience for our students,” says Mr. Anastasi. “It is a perfect opportunity for them to talk to union representatives in the various trades and get a look at the apprenticeship programs they offer.”
Although many of the students get hands-on experience in class, there is a wide variety of booths set up by the unions that allow the students to do everything from drive a small Bobcat bulldozer, try their hand at welding or repel down scaffold.
“There is a greater need than ever for workers in these fields,” says Mr. Leggett. “There are a lot of baby boomers retiring and the unions are looking for qualified workers to take their place. It gives our students a chance to make connections for possible careers when they graduate. They all received hard hats and safety glasses for attending which was great.”
Each of the teachers said their students had a great time and helped to reinforce to many that they have chosen the best career path for themselves.