Online recital today by Lake Plains Players support theater group’s scholarships

By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 17 April 2021 at 10:28 am

The cast includes, top row from left: Michaela Anstey (Middleport), Matthew P. Barry (Kenmore) and Sarah Hill (Buffalo); second row – Theresa M. Jones (Brockport), Jennifer Neroni-Trupo (Albion) and Debbie Tompkins (Henrietta); bottom row – Scott M. Weber (Newfane), Brian Wilson (Lockport) and Dan Zerpa (Newfane).

MIDDLEPORT – The Lake Plains Players have an online recital today of “Puppy Love an Online Cat-baret.”

The show features a nine-person cast and promises to be “joyful and silly,” director Gabby Montgomery said of the animal-themed recital.

The Players are seeking $5 donation per household to access the link to the show. Which will be shown on YouTube today between 7 p.m. and 11 p.m. Those who buy access to the link should start watching by 9:45 p.m. because the link for the 1 hour, 15 minute show times out at 11 p.m.

The Players did other digital recital in August 2020, and with the Summer 2020 Kids Theatre Program.

Montgomery said the singers auditioned early this year and received their music about two months before the show.

“They rehearsed, prepared and filmed their sections of the show on their own at home, and then submitted their videos to be edited together to create the whole program,” she said. “Most of the cast prepared 2-3 videos for the recital. The entire show runs a little over an hour in length.”

The donation supports a scholarship program from the Players who recognize high school seniors in the performing arts.

To donate and access the link click here and then click the yellow “donate” button.

“Once you’ve made your donation, we will receive the email address that you use for PayPal account and will send the link to the show to that email between 6-6:30 pm on April 17 so you can access the show at 7 pm.,” Montgomery said.

Provided photo: Brian Wilson performs with this dog in the “Puppy Love an Online Cat-baret.”