OCH celebrates International Women’s Day with display in hospital lobby
MEDINA – Orleans Community Health has created a display in the lobby of Medina Memorial Hospital to honor women who have made a difference in someone’s life during observance of International Women’s Day today.
It was proposed that the display showcase inspirational women, and hospital employees and the public are invited to write down the name of a woman they admire and have it included on the display in the hospital lobby. Coordinating the effort in the hospital are Kristen Grose, human resource manager, and Andrea Weibel, patient accounting representative, who have distributed colored slips of paper throughout the hospital on which names may be written.
The idea sprung from last year’s recognition of the number of women in managerial roles at Orleans Community Health, said Scott Robinson, director of Marketing at Community Partners.
The hospital will accept submissions through the end of March, Grose said.
Anyone who wants to recognize a woman and can’t get into the hospital may e-mail the name to info@medinamemorial.org and they will put the name on a slip of paper, Robinson said.
“This is a great way to highlight those who have had an impact on our lives,” Robinson added.