Nun could spend six months in prison
Rapp allegedly stole $128k from Catholic churches
ALBION – A nun who worked at Catholic churches in Holley and Kendall pled guilty to grand larceny today and will be sentenced to no more than six months in state prison.
Sister Mary Anne Rapp allegedly stole at least $128,000 from St. Mark’s in Kendall and St. Mary’s in Holley from March 2006 to April 2011. She allegedly used the money to feed a gambling addiction. Rapp said in court on Monday she isn’t certain how much money she took from the two churches. She said it could be more than $128,000.
Orleans County Court Judge James Punch accepted a plea deal today that calls for no more than six months in prison for Rapp. Normally a Class E fourth-degree grand larceny charge carries a four-year state prison sentence, Punch said.
But the judge said Rapp has no prior criminal history and is working towards restitution.
She will be sentenced at 2 p.m. on July 1.
Rapp’s alleged crime was discovered last year after discrepancies were found during an internal audit at the churches. Rapp, 67, of Lewiston served as a nun for nearly 50 years.