Not all speakers respectful at hearing about PILOT for Barre project

Posted 5 October 2021 at 9:29 pm


On Monday morning at 10 there was the Orleans County public hearing at the Barre Town Hall for the proposed PILOT (payment in lieu of taxes) by Heritage Wind.

Each person was given 3 minutes to make a comment to the officials regarding the PILOT. However, there were certain people who spoke over their 3 minute limit and even one person who shined a strobe in their eyes to simulate wind terrine flicker! How disrespectful is that?

This was not a public hearing for pro or con on turbines. It was for the proposed Orleans County PILOT!

The pros would be that a set amount of money would be paid to the affected municipalities on a set schedule. The “con” thoughts are that the assessments may change over the years thus increasing taxes paid by Heritage over the years.

If New York State takes over the turbine taxation, the local government could be excluded all together and receive no funds!

Ruth Miller
