No new Covid-19 cases for Orleans for sixth straight day
9 in Orleans on precautionary quarantine due to travel advisory
Orleans County has now gone six straight days without a new confirmed case of Covid-19, the Genesee and Orleans County Health Departments reported this afternoon.
The Health Departments reported for the first time that there are nine people on precautionary quarantine due to travel to one of 19 restricted states that are seeing a rise in Covid-19 infections.
Seven in the county remain hospitalized due to Covid-19.
The state Department of Health lists Orleans with more cases. The local Health Department issued this response: “NYS data has been off due to some results being linked to people with one of our county’s addresses but actually don’t live in either county. These results are transferred to the appropriate county of residence, but are not reflected on the State’s daily updates.”
Genesee has two new confirmed cases, bringing the Genesee total to 230. (Orleans has had 267 test positive.)
The two new cases in Genesee are a resident of Batavia and a resident of Darien. One is in the 40s and one is in the 60s. The two new positive individuals were not on mandatory quarantine prior to testing positive.
Genesee has one more recovery for 166 total. Genesee also has six people on precautionary quarantine due to travel from restricted states. No Genesee residents are currently hospitalized from Covid-19.
More from the Genesee and Orleans County Health Departments:
• Masks: Masks/Face-coverings are still required to be properly worn (covering nose & mouth) for all employees who work with the public. They are to be worn with direct contact (and all food service workers are to properly wear coverings when preparing and serving food – no exceptions) with the public as well as with co-workers when social distancing of 6 feet or more is not able to be kept.
All residents over the age of 2 years old and able to medically tolerate a face-covering are required to cover their nose and mouth with a mask or cloth face-covering when in public and unable to maintain, or when not maintaining social distance of 6 feet or more.
• Social Gathering Sizes: According to Governor Cuomo’s Executive Orders 202.42 and 202.45, all non-essential gatherings of up to 50 of individuals of any size for any reason (graduation parties, celebrations, or other social events) unless otherwise designated (ex. religious gatherings) are now allowed for those regions in phase 4. This is as long as requirements are followed for appropriate social distancing, and wearing cloth masks/face coverings over the mouth and nose.
• Community Testing Sites: Check with the testing site for any specific criteria necessary for testing such as illness, contact with someone who tested positive, essential worker, required for reopening/business, etc. Many need to have a doctor referral/prescription. Always call first.
- WellNow Urgent Care: 4189 Veterans Memorial Drive Batavia, NY 14020.
- Rochester Regional Health Urgent Care: 16 Bank Street Batavia, NY 14020. (Rochester Regional Health has transitioned Covid-19 evaluations from the tents at 127 North Street to Urgent Care.)
- Oak Orchard Health: 301 West Ave Albion, NY 14411. Call (585) 589-5613 to be screened and to schedule an appointment – no walk-ins.