Newfane wins; Akron bows in B1 semis

By Mike Wertman, Sports Writer Posted 29 February 2024 at 10:24 pm

Niagara-Orleans League co-champions Newfane and Akron went 1-1 in the semifinal round of the Section VI Class B1 boys basketball playoffs this evening at Buffalo State College.

No. 3 seed Newfane nipped No. 2 Olmstead 49-48 and No. 4 Akron dropped a 62-48 decision to No. 1 Salamanca.

Two free throws in the final 30 seconds by Ben Dickinson provided the margin of victory for Newfane which will now face Salamanca for the B1 title on Saturday at Buffalo State.

Mac Capen finished with 13 to lead Newfane as Konner Courtemanche added 9 and Dickinson and Nate Snow 8 each.

The Panthers held leads of 10-8 after the first period, 19-13 at the half and 33-31 at the three-quarter mark.

Salamanca raced out to comanding leads of 22-5 after the first quarter and 34-14 at the half in route to downing Akron.

Lucas Brown took game high scoring honors with 23 for Salamanca while Brayden Lamont had 11 and Aiden Romesser 9 for Akron.