Overnight warming center opens at Christ Church in Albion for when temps drop below 32

Posted 8 December 2023 at 11:15 am

Photo by Tom Rivers: Christ Church at 26 South Main St. in Albion will be a designated warming center when temperatures drop below freezing.

Press Release, Oak Orchard Health

ALBION – Oak Orchard Health is pleased to be a part of a community collaboration that addresses the needs of people without housing when the temperature is below 32 degrees (referred to as “Code Blue”).

This collaboration resulted in the opening of the Orleans County Warming Center at Christ Church, 26 S. Main Street, Albion. If an individual needs evening shelter during Code Blue, they can call (585) 895-4090 and they will be provided with a warm place to stay at Christ Church.

During the daytime, people can keep warm at the Hoag Library, 134 S. Main Street in Albion. Their hours of operation are Monday to Thursday 8:30 a.m. to 8 p.m., Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Saturday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. When they are not open, the Orleans County Warming Center is available for shelter when needed.

“After several years of planning, our vision of a local warming center has become a reality,” said Holli Nenni, commissioner of the Orleans County Department of Social Services. “This was made possible through the collaboration of many community partners whose goal is to ensure that no one is left without protection from harsh winter weather conditions.”

New York State mandates that if the weather gets below 32 degrees, it’s considered “Code Blue” and the community needs to provide shelter.

“Oak Orchard Health is pleased to be a part of this collaboration and to take the lead on the administration of the Warming Center,” said Karen Kinter, CEO at Oak Orchard Health. “We are responsible for staffing and coordinating the opening of this valuable asset to the region.”

In addition to shelter, hot beverages and on-site food will be available.

“This represents an amazing community collaboration,” said Nyla Gaylord, executive director of United Way of Orleans County. “The United Way of Orleans County was happy to convene the community collaborative to discuss this issue.  We want to thank all the local partners that made this a reality. A special thanks to Oak Orchard Health and Karen Kinter for taking the lead role and establishing the administrative framework for this program.”

In addition to Oak Orchard Health and the Orleans County Department of Social Services, Gaylord said the community partners include Community Action of Orleans and Genesee County, Genesee Orleans Ministry of Concern, Christ Church, Medina Area Association of Churches, Independent Living of the Genesee Region, and the Orleans County Emergency Management Office.