New steps and sidewalks go in by County Courthouse

By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 28 October 2021 at 1:50 pm

Photos by Tom Rivers

ALBION – Orleans County DPW workers continue to work on new sidewalks and steps in front of the Orleans County Courthouse, facing East State Street.

The top photo shows Dan Cook of the DPW using a bull float to smooth out the new concrete for the sidewalk.

Neil Bartel of the DPW smooths out the concrete in the new steps by the entrance near the street leading to a walkway to the courthouse.

Joe Gregor works on the stairs before the concrete was poured. They were in a frame with rebar.

A new main walkway has already gone in, which is slimmer than the previous one. Next week the DPW expects to put in new light pole bases.

These are part of several improvements at the site, where the building was constructed in 1858 and is the focal point of Courthouse Square, which is on the National Register of Historic Places.