13 teams in new county youth baseball league

By Mike Wertman, Sports Writer Posted 27 July 2020 at 9:55 am

A total of 13 teams are set to begin competing in the new Orleans County Short Season Baseball League beginning next week.

The six team U12 Division, which will begin play on August 4, will include the Sandstone, Barre/St. Mary’s, Rotary, Carlton, Medina and Elba teams.

The seven team U10 Division, which will begin competition on August 3, will include the Sandstone, Carlton, Barre, Rotary/St. Mary’s, Elba, Medina Blue and Medina Red teams.

Both divisions are looking to play a 10 game regular season followed by playoffs.

The August 4 U12 Division openers will have Rotary vs. Barre/St. Mary’s at St. Mary’s, Sandstone vs. Carlton at Carlton and Elba vs. Medina at Medina’s Butts Park. All games are 6 p.m. starts.

The first week of the U12 season will conclude on August 6 with Medina vs. Rotary at the Midget League Field, St. Mary’s/Barre vs. Carlton at Carlton and Elba vs. Sandstone at Sandstone.

The August 3 U10 Division openers will have Medina Red vs. Carlton at Carlton, Barre vs. Rotary/St. Mary’s at St. Mary’s and Elba vs. Medina Blue at Butts Park as Sandstone draws the bye. Games will begin at 6 p.m.

Rounding ut the U10 Division’s opening week on August 5 it will be Rotary/St. Mary’s vs. Carlton at Carlton, Medina Red vs. Medina Blue at Butts Park and Barre vs. Sandstone at Sandstone as Elba draws the bye.

The Short Season League was formed to give local youth some kind of a season after restrictions imposed early this spring due to the Covid-19 Pandemic wiped out the Albion Midget League and the Niagara-Orleans Youth Baseball League seasons which normally play from May through June.