Nearly 300 perform at All-County Music Fest
Photos by Tom Rivers
LYNDONVILLE – The Senior High Chorus sings “Three Madrigals” this afternoon during the Orleans County All-County Music Festival at Stroyan Auditorium in Lyndonville.
There were 82 students in the chorus from the five school districts in Orleans County – Albion, Holley, Kendall, Lyndonville and Medina.
The chorus was led by Dr. Daniel David Black, the assistant professor of vocal music & conducting and director of choral activities at Houghton College. He served as guest conductor for the All-County Music Festival, which is organized by the Orleans County Music Educators Association.
There were 270 students from the five districts selected for the music festival, with 112 in the elementary chorus, 76 in the junior high band and 82 in the high school chorus.
The festival was hindered by a snow on Friday for all five districts. That meant that couldn’t rehearse the day before the concert.
Many of the students received the music a month earlier and worked with their district music teachers on the learning the notes and rhythms. They then rehearsed for the first time together as a group this morning.
The high school chorus was accompanied by Jeremy Rath, a Kendall music teacher.
The high school chorus sang Three Madrigals, How Can I Keep From Singing, Sing Me to Heaven, and Praise His Holy Name.
The junior high band performed Letchworth Fanfare, On a Hymnsong of Philip Bass, and Eagle Mountain Overture.
Dr. Timothy McGarvey, professor of conducting, director of instrumental activities and the wind ensemble director at Houghton College, was guest conductor of the junior high band.
Photos courtesy of Jen Trupo: Evee Heinsler danced during the elementary chorus’s performance of Dance of the Willows. This was taken during rehearsal.
The elementary chorus was led by guest conductor James DesJardins, a music teacher at Frontier Central School. The group sang The Sailor, The Vine and Fig Tree, Dance of the Willow, and Seed to Sow.