Nearly 100 cars kick off Medina’s cruise-in season
Photo by Ginny Kropf
MEDINA – This 1956 Chevy belonging to Buster Wetherbee of Holley was among the 91 classic vehicles which attended the first cruise-in of the season in Medina’s Canal Basin on Friday night.
Wetherbee rarely misses a Friday cruise-in and helps organizer David Green with the weekly 50/50 drawing. Green said the Friday cruise-ins average between 80 and 100 cars and Friday’s turnout was very good for the first one. The season continues through late August.
The cruise-in series has been an annual tradition in Medina for more than 20 years. The classic car shows go from 5:30 to 8 p.m. They will be in the basin every Friday until the end of August, except on June 28 when the show shifts to the Orleans County Marine Park in Carlton and on July 26 when the cars are on display at the Orleans County 4-H Fair in Knowlesville.
The season culminates with the Super Cruise on Aug. 28, when a section of Main Street is closed for the cars and there is lots of entertainment.