National Night Out officially cancelled for 2020
Photo by Tom Rivers: A crowd of about 1,000 people attended the National Night Out at Bullard Park in Albion on Aug. 6, 2019. One highlight was the “Battle of Belts.” Dillon Black, front right, and Dan Baase, both of the Albion Police Department, were part of a four-man team of law enforcement officers. They topped two other adult teams with a time of 51.39 seconds. The teams compete to see who is the fastest getting into car and fastening their seatbelts. Each member then must switch seats and again fasten their seat belts. The time ends when each person has sat in each seat in the car and the horn is honked.
Press Release, Albion Police Chief Roland Nenni
ALBION – It is with deep regret that we must announce that the 2020 National Night Out Event is being cancelled due to Covid-19 concerns.
The event was postponed from its original date of August 4 to October 6 with the hopes that the risks associated with Covid-19 would be mitigated by October. While we as a community have done an amazing job to control the infection rate, we cannot guarantee that our event could be held in a manner to keep people safe.
This is very unfortunate as the event helps connect people in need with resources that can be life changing. This is at a time when those resources are needed more than ever.
The National Night Out Committee has worked very hard to make this year’s event better than ever and we vow to make next year’s the best we have ever held.
The committee will continue to work hard to prepare for next year’s event. Any donations that were made to the event will be applied to next year’s event unless they are requested to be refunded. Next year’s event will be held on August 3, 2021 at Bullard Park.
Below is a list of past participants that may can be contacted if anyone needs that assistance that they offer to our community.
- Orleans United Drug Free Communities Coalition
- Tobacco Free GLOW
- Parent Network of WNY
- Oak Orchard Health
- OCALS Learning Services
- Catholic Charities Friendly Phones & Home Visitation Program
- Orleans County YMCA
- Care Net Center of Greater Orleans
- Light of Victory Church
- Albion Free Methodist Church Youth & Kids Ministry
- MHA of Genesee & Orleans County
- Orleans County STOP DWI
- ABCD at Holley
- Orleans County Child & Family Services
- Orleans Community Health
- Orleans County Department of Mental Health
- Medina Area Association of Churches (MAAC)
- The Arc of Genesee/Orleans Rainbow Preschool
- Community Action of Orleans & Genesee Child Care Resource and Referral (CCR&R)
- Orleans County Health Department
- Orleans County Suicide Prevention Coalition
- Fidelis Care
- Genesee/Orleans Ministry of Concern- Just Friends Youth Mentoring Program
- Genesee/Orleans Council on Alcoholism and Substance Abuse
- OC Valor MRC
- Hoag Library
- Orleans County Chamber of Commerce
- Early Head Start Child Care Partnership
- ACT – Helping Youth ACT Responsibly
- Albion Lions Club