N-O All League Tourney mat champions
Contributed Photo – Five teams had individual weight class champions crowned at the annual Niagara-Orleans All League Wrestling Tournament held on Saturday at Albion The league champions include, in front, are Luke Fay (Roy-Hart/Barker), Luke Duffina (Medina), Rian Czaja (Newfane), Reece Senske (Medina), Drake Schomski (Albion) and Stryker Sanders (Albion). In back are Hamza Merrick (Wilson), Richard Doxey (Newfane), Brody Fry (Medina), Ronan Klug (Roy-Hart/Barker), Jacob Stephenson (Wilson), Ayden Buttery (Newfane) and Aidan Gillings (Newfane). Newfane, which went 5-0 during the dual match portion of the N-O season, won the All League Tournament team title. It marks the 11th straight year that Newfane has captured the N-O title.