Mystery safe plopped in Barre field so far can’t be opened
BARRE – A mysterious safe was discovered Thursday morning in a field owned by Barre farmer Kirk Mathes on East Barre Road, near Route 31A.
The safe included a note: “If you can open you can have what’s inside.”
News of the safe quickly spread through town by word of mouth and social media. A group showed up with crowbars and sledgehammers and tried to pry it open in the field, but to no avail.
The Orleans County Sheriff’s Office showed up Thursday and urged the crowd to go away.
The Mathes farm hauled the safe back to the home farm with a Skid Steer. Mathes estimated the safe weighs 500 to 600 pounds.
They tried at the farm to get it open but haven’t had any success.
“I don’t know how the thing will get opened,” Mathes said today. “I expect it’s empty.”
Mathes has no idea why the safe was put in his field, if it’s a practical joke or what the reasoning is behind it.