Mustang booters to face rivals this week
Photos by Cheryl Wertman – Medina/Lyndonville will face rivals Albion and Roy-Hart in boys and girls soccer this coming week. At left is Medina/Lyndonville’s Hannah Hamilton and at the right is Albion’s Kendyll Hadick.
The Medina/Lyndonville boys and girls soccer teams will have a rivalry week as they face both Albion and Roy-Hart in Niagara-Orleans League contests.
The boys squad will host Roy-Hart at Lyndonville on Wednesday and then visit Albion on Saturday while the girls team will host Roy-Hart at Lyndonvlle on Monday and then travel to Albion on Thursday.
The Mustangs boys squad also has a key N-O contest at defending champion Newfane on Monday while the girls squad will host the Lady Panhers on Tuesday at Lyndonville.
On the gridiron, Medina/Lyndonville will host Newfane at 7:30 p.m. Friday in the opener of the newly renovated Veterans Memorial Park. Also on Friday, Albion faces Fredonia/Brocton/Westfield at Brocton, Roy-Hart/Barker hosts Tonawanda and Holley visits Alexander.
Weekly Schedule
Boys Soccer: Medina/Lyndonville at Newfane, Wilson at Akron, 4:30 p.m.; Albion at Roy-Hart, Holley at Byron-Bergen, 6:30 p.m.
Girls Soccer: Albion at Wilson, Roy-Hart vs. Medina at Lyndonville, Barker at Akron, 4:30 p.m.; Notre Dame at Holley, Pembroke at Kendall, 6:30 p.m.
Girls Volleyball: Lyndonville at Alexander, 6:30 p.m.
Golf: Newfane at Akron, Barker at Roy-Hart, 4 p.m.
Boys Soccer: Attica at Kendall, 4:30 p.m.
Girls Soccer: Newfane vs. Medina at Lyndonville, 4:30 p.m.
Field Hockey: Medina at Barker, Newfane at Roy-Hart, 4:45 p.m.; Kenmore at Akron, 5 p.m.
Boys Volleyball: Lyndonville/Medina at O’Hara, 5 p.m.
Girls Volleyball: Albion at Wilson, Roy-Hart at Medina, Akron at Newfane, 6:30 p.m.
Boys Soccer: Albion at Wilson, Roy-Hart vs. Medina at Lyndonville, 4:30 p.m.
Girls Soccer: Byron-Bergen at Holley, 6:30 p.m.
Field Hockey: Medina at Buffalo Seminary, 4:45 p.m.
Girls Volleyball: Wheatland-Chili at Lyndonville, Attica at Holley, 6:30 p.m.
Golf: Albion at Roy-Hart, Medina at Akron, Barker at Newfane
Boys Soccer: Byron-Bergen at Kendall, 6:30 p.m.
Girls Soccer: Akron at Newfane, Wilson at Barker, Kendall at Northstar, 4:30 p.m.; Medina at Albion, 6:30 p.m.
Field Hockey: Akron at Newfane, Wilson at Kenmore, 4:45 p.m.
Girls Volleyball: Newfane at Albion, Medina at Wilson, Roy-Hart at Akron, 6:30 p.m.
Football: Albion vs. Fredonia/Westfield/Brocton at Broctron, Tonawanda at Roy-Hart/Barker, Holley at Alexander, 7 p.m.; Newfane at Medina/Lyndonville, 7:30 p.m.
Golf: Albion at Barker, Medina at Newfane, Wilson at Akron, 4 p.m.
Field Hockey: Barker at Mt. Lebenon, Pa., 6:30 p.m.
Boys Volleyball: Lyndonville/Medina vs. Wayne and Sodus at Sodus, 5 p.m.
Girls Volleyball: Rochester Prep at Lyndonville, 5 p.m.
Boys Soccer: Medina at Albion, Akron at Newfane, 10 a.m.; Holley ay Wheatland-Chili, 3:30 p.m.
Girls Soccer: Newfane at Wilson, 9 a.m.; Alexander at Holley, Kendall at Wheatland-Chili, 6:30 p.m.
Field Hockey: Barker vs. Upper St. Clair, Pa., 11 a.m.
Boys Volleyball: Lyndonville/Medina vs. Midlakes at Pavilion
Girls Volleyball: Medina at Starpoint Tournament, 8 a.m.
N-O Standings
Boys Soccer: Newfane 3-0, Medina/Lyndonville 1-0, Roy-Hart 1-1, Albion 0-1, Akron 0-1, Wilson 0-2
Girls Soccer: Akron 3-0, Newfane 1-0-1, Albion 1-1-1, Medina 1-1, Wilson 1-1, Roy-Hart 1-2, Barker 0-3
Field Hockey: Roy-Hart 3-0, Akron 2-0, Medina 2-1, Barker 1-1, Wilson 1-2, , Kenmore 0-2, Newfane 0-3
Volleyball: Akron 1-0, Roy-Hart 1-0 Wilson 1-0, Albion 0-1, Medina 0-1, Newfane 0-1
Golf: Medina 6-0, Albion 4-1, Wilson 3-1-1, Akron 2-2-1, Newfane 1-3-1, Roy-Hart 0-4-1, Barker 0-5