Murray votes to keep tax exemption for Cold War vets
MURRAY – The Town Board has approved keeping a tax exemption for Cold War veterans.
The exemption was set to expire. The board unanimously voted to continue it, this time without a sunset.
The exemption is good for eligible veterans who served in the military from Sept. 2, 1945 to Dec. 26, 1991. The exemption is good for up to 10 percent or a maximum of $4,000 off the assessed value of a property.
Murray has a tax rate of $4.83 per $1,000 of assessed property outside the village and $3.05 inside the village of Holley. At a $4,000 maximum for assessed value, the exemption would save a Cold War vet $19.32 outside the village and $12.20 inside the village.
Lynn Wood, the town assessor, urged Cold War vets to stop by the Town Hall and apply for the exemption, which also includes up to $20,000 off the assessment value for property owned by disabled veterans.
The Orleans County Legislature also recently voted to continue a tax exemption for Cold War veterans.
With a county tax rate of about $10 per $1,000 of assessed property, the maximum exemption would save a Cold War veteran about $40 in county taxes.
There are about 100 veterans in the county currently receiving the exemption, said Dawn Allen, the county’s director of Real Property Tax Services Department.