Murray Town Board, codes officer deserve praise for property maintenance law
On December 19, the Town of Murray held a second public hearing for a property maintenance law that was proposed in November of 2016. This proposal was reviewed by the Town Planning Board and the Town Board along with Murray residents. Careful consideration was assessed by all involved. Enacting this maintenance law at a town level is better for all town residents.
Over the year State laws were changing that did indeed affect all property owners in the state of NY. With the changes being made it did take time to finalize at the town level.
Murray is fortunate to have a code enforcement officer that understands the law and can interpret benefiting our local town.
The Orleans Hub covered the story and when I read it I felt the story only conveyed the negative and opposing views that were discussed. All questions were answered and explained at the meeting. The Hub failed to report all the positive aspects and the commendations that the code enforcement officer received along with the board.
There were a few that opposed the property maintenance law at a local level, but they were unable to pinpoint why they opposed. The law would still be there at a State level only with a stiffer penalty. It was ultimately unanimously voted on and accepted by the Town Board at a local level – the right thing to do. Bravo to the town and the CEO for looking out for us!
We should be more positive! Start reflecting on the good, do the right thing and applaud our public servants that are doing a wonderful job!
In addition, enforcement of the code protects all our property values. If ever you plan to sell your property and things are kept tidy you will be thanking the Town Board all the way to the bank.
Naysayers you wanted change and you are getting change that benefits all who own property in this town. I will never understand the naivety and negativity that reigns in this community. Happy Holidays and let’s BELIEVE!
And by the way the residents that live here do trust in our local government! We elected them!
Neil Valentine