Murray resident would like to see detailed proposals from candidates
I write this letter in frustration as I try to evaluate candidates for Murray Town Supervisor. It is no secret that residents of Murray are frustrated with our current government: both Bob Miller’s and Joe Sidonio’s flyers refer to it. What frustrates me more is that the solutions provided are similiar, and aren’t very specific. It is almost as if one candidate copied the other candidate’s platform.
I realize most politicians usually aren’t very specific about what they are going to do. But this is as local of government we are going to get. It seems we should be able to be really specific. Here are my specific questions: (Will the candidates be able to give specific answers?)
1) Local Laws No. 2 and No. 3 of 2017 do not read like laws written by conservative republicans (which everyone claims to be). Will the candidates support a repeal of this governmental overreach?
2) What specific steps will be taken to reduce taxes?
3) What specific steps will be taken to balance the Town Budget?
4) How does your conservative ideology form your selection criteria of what should or should not become a town law?
Bonus Points when the answer doesn’t include dependence on the State of New York.
Personally, I feel Joe Sidonio has done a better job laying out the answers to these questions, but I am still willing to be swayed. Is it too much to hold out hopes for detailed platform positions?
Michael Vinca