Mr. Kendall competition proves a crowd pleaser

By Kristina Gabalski, Correspondent Posted 9 April 2017 at 10:39 pm

Photos by Kristina Gabalski

KENDAL – Mr. Kendall Cameron Heller, left, and runner-up James Longrod are pictured at the 4th annual Mr. Kendall Pageant on Friday evening.

The popular tongue-in-cheek event is hosted by Kendall High School Senior Council and gives upperclassmen the opportunity to get out on the stage and show off their talents.

The 2017 pageant featured nine contestants – seven seniors and two juniors.  They were judged in categories including Workout Wear – won by Cameron Heller; Group Dance Number; Lip Sync – won by Joey LoSapio; Sleepwear – won by Kenny Price; Formal Wear won by Ryan Barrett (who was actually part of the crew and who interviewed the contestants); and Individual Talents – won by Miguel Aguirre.

Guest judges this year were Mr. Driesel, Ms. Mason, Creagan Maclaren (2016 Mr. Kendall) and Kari Hurlbutt.

Mr. Kendall contestants began the evening with a group dance number in their Workout Wear.

Contestant James Longrod performed the Barbie Girl Song by Aqua during the Lip Sync portion of the show.  He was assisted by crew member Ryan Barrett – riding pedal tractor.  The pair was deemed the tallest Barbie and shortest Ken ever.

Ryan Barrett poses a very specific question for contestant Jeremy Browe.

Cameron Heller made a very bold fashion statement with his Formal Wear selection.

Contestant Brandon Miller – who noted his beard sets him apart from fellow contestants – assists Ryan Barrett with his fashion accessory during the interview portion.

Contestant Joey LoSapio had the help of fellow contestants during the talent portion of the show. Joey performed a cheerleading routine.

Contestant Jacob Adams said his future plans include growing older and becoming the best sit down comedian. His talent performance featured a sit-down “stand-up comic” routine.

A highlight of the evening was the surprise prom proposal contestant Miguel Aguirre made to his, “assistant chosen from the audience,” for his magic routine during the talent portion of the pageant. Miguel’s “assistant” accepted the proposal.

Jeremy Browe chose to stage a hot dog eating contest for his talent number. He is seated on the far left side of the table. Fellow Mr. Kendall contestants also took part.

The audience gets one last look at the contestants before the announcement of winners.

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