Motorcyclist injured after hitting deer
Press release, Orleans County Sheriff’s Department
GAINES – An Albion man was injured last night when the motorcycle he was operating collided with a deer.
Luis R. Soto-Thomas, 45, was riding solo on his 2002 Harley-Davidson MC travelling north when a deer ran onto the roadway and into his path. After the collision, he and the machine became separated. Both slid an additional 225 feet before coming to rest on the east shoulder of the roadway.
Soto-Thomas was flown to Strong Memorial Hospital in Rochester by Mercy Flight helicopter with serious but non-life threatening injuries.
The incident occurred at about 8 p.m., in the 2900 block of Gaines Road (State Route 279) in the town of Gaines.
Soto-Thomas was cited for aggravated unlicensed operation in the third degree and operation without a license. He will appear in Town of Gaines Court at a later date pending his recovery.
The incident was investigated by Deputy J.J. Cole, assisted by Deputy K.J. Colonna and Sergeant G.T. Gunkler.