Moroz has proven to be hard-working and effective Holley village trustee

Posted 5 June 2023 at 11:01 pm


Rochelle Moroz and I were married when we were serving in the U.S. Air Force during the Vietnam Era.

She has always been a conscientious worker and Manager who developed and kept to a realistic budget in all her endeavors. She served honorably as military Inventory Management Specialist during the 1970s, performed exceptionally well  as a Security Policeman at Seneca Army Depot in the 1980s, successfully managed the night shift at a restaurant in the 1990s, processed on sight claims as a Red Cross worker in the 2000s, and supervised/managed a U.S. Census office supporting the 2000 Census.

Rochelle volunteers as AARP tax preparer, volunteered as a Hospice counselor, and in the 2010s completed several years as church secretary, where she also taught a quilting circle.

As Holley Village Trustee, Rochelle meticulously reviews every substantial purchase, to include equipment, supplies and services to maintain and improve quality of life  for Holley village residents.

Rochelle is a team player, and is a proven excellent steward helping to ensure the village spends within its means.

I sincerely hope that you all will support Rochelle Moroz with your vote for Village Trustee at the Holley Village Office on June 20.

William Moroz
