Morning fog leads to accident in Murray
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Press release
Holley Fire Chief Peter Hendrickson
MURRAY – Emergency personnel were dispatched at about 7:45 this morning for a vehicle that crossed over Ridge Road in the Town of Murray.
A male, 30 years old, was traveling northbound on North Main Street Road (Route 237) under heavy fog conditions. When he approached the intersection, unaware of the stop sign due to visibility, he crossed over Ridge Road (Route 104) on to the property on the north side of the road.
The driver was able to maintain control, narrowly missing a vehicle and slightly damaging a barn before his vehicle rolled coming to a rest about 200 feet from the roadway.
The driver was evaluated by Monroe Ambulance at the scene, while members of the Holley Joint Fire District and Fancher-Hulberton-Murray District handled hazards caused from the crash. Stae Police handled the scene investigation.