Missing political signs annoys Barre resident

Posted 13 October 2021 at 8:51 pm


Where is the integrity? Where is the love of community? Multiple signs for Dave Waters and George Mckenna, who are running the Republican and Independent line for councilmen spots this upcoming election, have been stolen and replaced with other signs.

Waters and McKenna won the Republican primary beating out current sitting town board members. They have actively voiced their love and dedication to the community – and their deep desire for the Town Board to have complete transparency.

Regardless of your own political affiliation and beliefs, it is illegal to remove political signs. It is dishonorable, not only to these candidates but to the residents of Barre.

Likewise, putting signs up directly in front of someone else’s political sign is infantile. Your vote is where you should rightfully voice your personal stance, not in actions that belittle the community. Be better Barre!

Barbara Verburg
