Miss Nelson Is Missing: In this musical, Albion Middle Schoolers search for teacher

By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 21 November 2019 at 7:45 am

Photos by Tom Rivers

ALBION – Danielle Wyant is Miss Viola Swamp, a scary substitute teacher, in Miss Nelson Is Missing, which will be performed by Albion Middle School students at 7 p.m. Friday, and noon and 7 p.m. on Saturday at the Middle School School Auditorium.

Viola Swamp is brought in as a substitute after Miss Nelson, the class’s regular teacher, doesn’t show up for school. Swamp is mean and scares these students played by Mallory Kozody, center, and Lucy Rivers.

Miss Nelson’s class is the worst behaved in the whole school with uncontrollable students sending spitballs and paper airplanes flying. Miss Nelson is desperate to improve the bad behavior of the students. Cassie Brown is the student standing on a chair.

Mallory Ashbery plays, Mrs. Blandsworth, a nerdy principal who laments about her boring life and sings, “Carried Away.” She also shares with the students they will be having a substitute teacher.

Viola Swamp demands respect from the students and explains the consequences of disobedience in class. “Woe to those who misbehave,” she tells the students, which include Emma Shay, center, and Ella Trupo, right. Swamp also piles on the homework, and bangs her cane on the floor and desks.

The musical is based on a children’s book. The Albion production has 16 students in the cast and 18 in stage crew. The show is directed by Carrie Kozody with Kevin Feder the assistant director.

The students miss their teacher and go to Detective McSmogg (Isabella Gray) for help in finding Miss Nelson. The detective isn’t very helpful, but devises a plan to search the entire globe. Here she holds her magnifying glass that impresses the students.

Miss Nelson (Danielle Wyant) returns after the students send her letters, asking her to come back. Miss Nelson finds the students are much better behaved and more appreciative of her after their time with Miss Viola Swamp.

Adam Burlison plays Pop Hanson, a janitor who serves as a narrator.

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