Ministry of Concern will move offices to Presbyterian Church in Albion
ALBION – The Genesee-Orleans Ministry of Concern is moving its offices to the First Presbyterian Church of Albion following a dispute over a hike in its monthly lease charge from the Village of Albion.
The village raised the monthly rate for the Ministry of Concern by 35 percent from $1,146.67 to $1,550.96 a month, which includes utilities at the Albion Visitor’s Center. Jami Allport, the GOMOC director, told the Village Board that increase at the third floor of 121 North Main St. wasn’t sustainable for the agency. She asked for a smaller increase of 2 to 4 percent.
But the majority of the board believed the rent, at 48 cents per square foot, was below market rate. The new rate put it at 65 cents a month per square foot, which was still about half of what the first and second floor tenants are paying.
Kevin Gardner, an elder at the Presbyterian Church, read about the issue in news reports. He suggested to the church that it offer to rent out space to the Ministry of Concern.
Allport checked the space at the church with some of the GOMOC board members. The church is making four rooms available to GOMOC, plus use of memorial lounge for board meetings – and at a rate less than the $1,146.67 monthly charge from the village before the increase.
The office space will be accessible on the back end of the church. That is also the entrance to the church office. There is a church parking lot on Platt Street and sidewalks leading to the entrance.
“We are very thankful and grateful for the space,” Jami Allport said today. “ We will pay rent but at more manageable amount. It’s fair for both parties.”
The Ministry of Concern will have an open house for the community in April to see the new space for the agency.
The Rev. Susan Thaine, pastor of the church, said two of the rooms were recently redone following a third floor water leak that caused some damage to the rooms. Two other rooms will be painted and electrical outlets will be added for the new tenants.
The church used to offer space to BOCES for GED classes. AA also uses a room in the church, and they will shift to another spot.
“That building has more than enough room for all of us to grow together,” Thaine said. “It’s mutually beneficial. It gives the congregation an opportunity to engage with a ministry they haven’t engaged with much before.”
The main church sign on Main Street has space to highlight the Ministry of Concern. Thaine said other signs on Platt Street and East State Street could direct people to GOMOC office.
The Ministry of Concern is known by many as “The Agency of Last Resort.” It provides services to many people in crisis, including working poor who are facing hardship.
The Ministry of Concern has in-house advocates who work on behalf of clients with utility companies, landlords and other entities as necessary. Eligible individuals and families can receive help with personal care items, short-term emergency housing and financial assistance with prescriptions and utilities.
The Furniture Program also accepts donations of gently used furniture and non-gas appliances which are subsequently delivered without cost to people in need.