Military deserves a President who respects them and shares their sacrifice

Posted 5 September 2020 at 9:15 pm


This man some call the President has gone too far calling soldiers, who fought and died for our country, “losers.”

This is the guy who made fun of disabled veterans, attacked John McCain and referred to generals as stupid. This is the same man who got deferments for bone spurs, which his doctor said “were temporary” and they could be treated.

This man said that his Vietnam was sleeping around and avoiding VD on the Howard Stern show. He has no respect for the military and in his tiny little mind they are his pawns.

He wouldn’t make it a day in the military because he couldn’t file bankruptcy and run away. It’s time to get our respect back from our allies and tell Russia to stay out of our business, time to respect our military and our heroes and thank them for their service, and time to vote this man out of office.

All gave some, some gave All, Trump GAVE NOTHING!!!

Harvey Campbell

Vietnam-era Veteran
