Medina Women’s Softball League elects officers; still hoping to get the season in
The Medina Women’s Softball League has elected a slate of officers for the upcoming season the start of which is now on hold because of restrictions imposed due to the Covid-19 Pandemic.
Kathy Allen was elected president and Jenn Thom was re-elected secretary-treasurer.
Jessica Rosenbeck was elected ‘A’ League vice-president and Jen Hughes “B” League vice-president.
And as for getting the season in, league officers and team captains are taking a wait and see attitude to see when the current restrictions on group gatherings are eased.
“We’re not canceling anything. We haven’t decided anything yet,” said Sue Seefeldt who captains the Bane’s Plumbing/Bane’s Machine Shop team. “We’re waiting it out. We’re not putting a deadline on getting the season started. We are going to play it by ear and see what happens. If the restrictions on gatherings are lifted so we can play games we are hoping to get at least some of the season in.”
The league’s regular season normally runs from mid May till the end of July with the playoffs in early August.
Last year the league had seven teams in the ‘A’ Division and seven in the ‘B’ Division.