Medina woman, 25, with kidney disease seeks a donor
Benefit scheduled on March 27 for Sara Secore
MEDINA – Sara Secore was feeling dizzy and lightheaded just by walking around her house in September 2019.
She went to the doctor’s and had her blood tested. She was in her early 20s and didn’t think too much of it.
Sara Secore
But the results and additional tests showed she had a serious kidney disease. She was put on dialysis due to her failing kidneys.
“This just happened out of nowhere,” Secore said about the kidney disease.
Secore, now 25, and a mother of a 3-year-old son has tried to find an organ donor. A stranger from Albion heard about her situation and offered his kidney. He went through several months of tests, which showed he would be a good match until he was ruled out about two weeks ago. The surgery was supposed to happen next month.
Secore was “devastated” by the news, but she remains hopeful someone will step forward who proves to be the right match. That person needs to have the O-positive blood type.
Until she has a new kidney, Secore is doing nightly dialysis from her home.
“It’s very hard on your body,” she said about the dialysis. “But I have no other option.”
Anyone interested in seeing if they would be a good fit as a living donor for Secore is encouraged to call Strong Memorial Hospital in Rochester at (585) 275-7753. Secore asks that they mention Sara Secore, her birthdate of March 13, 1996, and O-positive for the blood type.
Secore’s friends and family also are planning a basket raffle and spaghetti dinner to help her with expenses. That event will be from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on March 27 at the Community Fellowship Church, 3146 Johnson Creek Road, Middleport. Drive-through dinners also will be available.
For more information and for tickets contact Holly at (585) 205-5795, Monica at (585) 298-6264 and Cara at (585) 469-9493.