Medina winterguard teams open season in Orchard Park

Medina’s varsity winterguard performs its show titled “Tidal” on Saturday in Orchard Park.

Posted 26 January 2025 at 2:23 pm

Photos and information from Medina Band Boosters

MEDINA – The winterguard teams from Medina opened their season on Saturday in Orchard Park.

Winterguard is an activity involving boys and girls as a colorguard ensemble performing indoors during the winter months. Most of the guards are sponsored by a school but there are independent guards comprised of people who are not in school but still want to participate in this activity.

The participants use dance and acrobatics to convey the theme of their show.  Medina is sponsoring two guards, a varsity guard and a JV guard.

The JV guard show is “Going Up” and they competed in the Cadet class scoring in 4th place at Orchard Park.  he Varsity guard’s show is “Tidal” and they competed in the A1 class and came in 3rd place.

The guards will compete again on Feb. 1 in Batavia,  Feb. 8 in Victor,  Feb.15 in Corning Painted Post,  March 1 in Lancaster,  and on March 8 in Medina for a chance to see the show without having to travel.

The JV guard from Medina performs “Going Up.”