Medina Winter Guard competes at East Syracuse-Minoa
Medina’s Junior Varsity & Varsity Winter Guard traveled to East Syracuse-Minoa on Saturday to compete in a show sponsored by the Mid-York Colorguard Circuit.
There are two major organizations in the state that sponsor winter guards. They are the North East Color Guard Circuit & the Mid-York circuit. From their names one can see there is a geographical divide, but overall the basic requirements and judging criteria are the same.
Guards connected to a particular circuit can perform in the other one as well. Each guard has 8 minutes to get their floor and props set up, perform their show and then pick up their equipment and exit the floor.
Medina’s JV guard competed in Scholastic RA and came in 5th with a score of 62.16 out of seven guards in this class. First place went to a guard from Homer with a score of 71.25.
The Varsity guard competed in the Scholastic A2 class and came in 3rd with a score of 66.56 out of four guards in this group. First place went to the Northstars with a score of 69.35. Scholastic A consists of nine guards and they were divided into three groups based on their skill levels.
Medina’s next competition is March 2 at Lancaster followed by the home show on March 9.