Medina to open visitors’ center at Rotary Park for new season

By Ginny Kropf, correspondent Posted 12 May 2023 at 10:02 pm

MEDINA – Spring has sprung, and that signals the start of the tourism season.

To prepare, Jim Hancock, chair of the Medina Tourism Committee, has announced the opening of the Visitors’ Center in Rotary Park.

The center will officially open May 22, and will be open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Saturday until Labor Day.

Currently, 16 volunteers have signed up to serve at the center, including Shari Cassidy of Medina and Ruth Cleveland of Medina and San Francisco.

Cassidy likes volunteering to help worthy causes, such as the PAWS Animal Shelter and Medina Area Association of Churches, and decided last year to help the Visitors’ Center.

“I love to walk and have come here a few times to pick up some brochures on the walking tours around the village,” Cassidy said.

Cleveland is a new volunteer and looking forward to the interesting people she will meet.

“Besides, she’s very friendly, and knows a lot,” Hancock said.

“This is a great town to come to,” Cleveland said. “It will be fun sharing it with people who come through and tell them about what is taking place here. I am real interested in the sandstone history here and my eyes open when I’m traveling and see a building and wonder if it is Medina sandstone.”

The Visitors’ Center was opened in 2009 and operated in several places in Medina until finding its permanent home in the Santa house in Rotary Park. This year, for the convenience of volunteers and visitors, a portable john with a sink will be set up in the alley next to the park. It is scheduled to arrive on June 12.

More volunteers are always welcome, and work three-hour shifts – from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 1 to 4 p.m., Hancock said.

Last year a record 428 people signed the guest book, representing 38 states and eight foreign countries, including Namibia, Africa, and Lithuania.

Rosalind Lind was on duty the day the African visitor stopped, and they struck up a friendship. They have been corresponding ever since, Hancock said.