Medina students engineer walker for injured cat

By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 4 October 2013 at 12:00 am
Pam Brower Cat

Photo courtesy of Pamela Brower

MEDINA – In August, Buddy started to drag his back right leg. Pamela Brower thought her cat had pulled a muscle.

But then both back legs stopped working. The cat had to drag itself with its front legs.

A trip to the vet revealed the cat had a bulging disc and would need surgery in the thousands of dollars just to have a 50-50 chance to regain use of the back legs.

Brower, an aide at Medina Central School for the past 24 years, pitched an idea to some of the students in Michael Lepkyj’s technology class. Would they try to make a walker/wheelchair for the cat?

The students in the class came up with a contraption that is helping Buddy move inside and outside of the house.

“It is helping him to go out and get around,” Brower said.

The students are now working to make the wheelchair a little wider and higher to better fit Buddy.

Brower is impressed by the students for their ingenuity and their compassion.

“Kids don’t get enough credit these days,” she said.

Click here to watch the video on Facebook of Buddy using the new walker that was created by Medina High School students in their technology class.