Medina seeks grant for $300K for 4 fast electric charging stations

By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 26 July 2022 at 2:19 pm

MEDINA – The Village Board is seeking a grant for about $300,000 to cover the full costs of installing four fast electric charging stations in the Canal Basin.

The Village Board voted on Monday evening to submit an application for up to 100 percent of the costs through the 2022 Municipal Zero-emission Vehicle (ZEV) Infrastructure Grant Program, which is offered through the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation Environmental Protection Fund Climate Smart Communities.

The village was encouraged to seek the funding because its high poverty statistics make the village a strong candidate for the funding, Deputy Mayor Owen Toale said.

The village authorized the Barton & Loguidice firm to complete and submit the application. The firm will be paid $1,250 for its work on the application.

If Medina receives the grant and moves forward with the project, Toale said he expects the village will be charging people for the electricity. They would likely pay through a credit card on the stations.

The village is opting to go with the more expensive charging stations with a faster charge. Toale said the Barton & Loguidice recommended the faster charging stations, because Medina’s poverty statistics make the community eligible for a larger grant for the project.