Medina scouts in Troop 28 learn lots during week at their own camp

Provided photos: Scouts in Troop 28 last week went canoeing and did many other activities that typically would be at a Scouting camp.

Posted 26 July 2021 at 9:19 am

Respectfully submitted by the communications merit badge scouts, Joseph B., Brandon B.,  Aidyn J.,  Jake J., Roman V., Nathaniel M., AJ H., David V. and Matthew J. 

The scouts did a lot of hiking during the camp experience.

MEDINA – Summer camp is something that all Boy Scouts look forward to and for the second year in a row when our troop got the news that camp will be canceled we were pretty disappointed.

That’s when the parents and leaders of Troop 28 rallied together and were able to put on a great week of scout camp for us to work on skills merit badges and make so many memories.

When we found out camp would be canceled we had the option to go to camp out of the area. However, our scout troop is trying to raise funds to go to Florida Sea Base next year so that would not of been feasible, especially so last minute and in the end we are really happy about how things worked out as we all had a great week.

It took a lot of work and all of our parents and leaders chipped in to put in the extra effort to make everything come together. We had a camp store with all the essentials, and first year boys participated in the Brownsea program completing rank requirements. We were also able work on nine merit badges throughout the week including hiking, fishing, orienteering, swimming, lifesaving, cooking, athletics, public speaking and communication as wells as take a canoe trip. We also completed a CPR course.

One of the requirements for our communication merit badge was, “write to the editor of a magazine or local newspaper to express your opinion or share information on any subject you choose.” We decided to share what makes Troop 28 special, why scouting is so important and what we loved about summer camp.

First of all, what makes our troop special: We feel that  Troop 28 is special because although it is not always easy. Electronics have no place at camp and we can really appreciate what is around and learn important skills. We feel that our leaders do everything they can to help us succeed and really care about us.

The scouts studied maps in one project. The group worked on nine merit badges during the week.

Boy Scouts is important because it teaches us how to take care of ourselves, do fun things and we get to do merit badges to learn what we may want to do when we grow up. Another thing that makes scouting important is you help each other, meet new people and friends.

During our closing campfire we listed some of our favorite things from scout camp and we want to share what they were. We loved doing the morning polar bear swim, going fishing and canoeing, playing games, hiking 6 miles, hike-in movie night, and watching scouts that are normally quiet, smile or open up. We had a great week at Troop 28’s summer camp and can’t wait to do it again.

The scouts also completed a CPR course.