Medina officer rescues owl tangled in fishing line

Staff Reports Posted 16 October 2021 at 9:22 am

Photos courtesy of Don Bemont

MEDINA – Medina Police Department Lt. Todd Draper rescued an Eastern Screech Owl on Friday afternoon.

One of the bird’s talons had become hopelessly entangled in discarded fishing line and was hanging helplessly from a hawthorn shrub hanging out over the water at the boat launch/fishing area just south of Boxwood Cemetery.

Draper pushed his way through thorns and some precarious footing to cut the bird out of its predicament.

Draper said the owl was lethargic for about 45 minutes, but started to move more as it was turned over to Bob Humbert from Wolcottsville Wildlife Rescue, a state and federally licensed rehabilitator.

Humbert told Draper the owl was a fully grown screech owl, maybe a year old.

“He said the owl was likely extremely dehydrated but was confident it will make a full recovery,” Draper said.

Here are additional photos courtesy of Lt. Draper: