Medina may have collection agency go after unpaid parking tickets

By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 14 November 2017 at 10:25 am

MEDINA – There are 31 people with unpaid parking tickets in Medina, totaling about $3,000.

The Village Board is considering an offer from a collections company to have that business pursue the parking violators. Medina would get its full amount due, and the collections company would tack on an additional $40 or a 40 percent fee.

Medina Mayor Mike Sidari said the village should pursue the unpaid tickets.

“It’s not fair to the people that pay them to not going after the people who don’t pay them,” he said.

Before the village approves an agreement with Lakeview Processing of Medina, the Village Board wants to know if the business will be charging Medina for bills that are sent out, but continue to not be paid. Sidari doesn’t want to have Medina be billed by Lakeview for work that doesn’t lead to paid tickets.

The Village Board discussed the issue Monday during a board meeting.

Sidari said Medina should pursue the unpaid tickets or else other people may decide they don’t need to pay the fines.

In other action at Monday’s meeting, the board:

• Approved spending $7,500 for a 4-yard sander box for the Department of Public Works. The state will cover $5,900 of the cost with CHIPS funding, with Medina using $1,600 from equipment reserve for the remainder.

The sander box will allow Medina to have three plow trucks out instead of two, which should reduce overtime and allow the DPW to clear village streets faster, DPW Superintendent Joe Perry said.

• Approved a $7,500 contract with Wendel for a Geographic Information Systems (GIS), which will create a database of infrastructure, trees, cemetery plots and other village assets.

• Accepted the resignation of career firefighter Ashton Lang, who is joining the Gates Fire District.

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