Medina Lions ready for community yard sales on June 1
Photo by Ginny Kropf: These members of Medina Lions are looking forward to annual community yard sale and chicken barbecue on June 1. From left include Chris Keller, food tent chairman; Tim Moriarty, in charge of maps; and Jim Hancock, chicken barbecue chairman. The fundraiser takes place Saturday and includes a giant flea market at the Olde Pickle Factory.
MEDINA – An annual fundraiser sponsored by Medina Lions is scheduled for June 1 in and around the village of Medina.
The community yard sale and chicken barbecue have taken place the first Saturday in June for 16 years, and continues to grow in popularity. Highlighting the event is a giant flea market at the Olde Pickle Factory, this year with 40 vendors.
Residents who elect to have a yard sale that weekend can place a special ad in the Lake Country Pennysaver. To further advertise their sales, Lions are on the four corners downtown from 8:30 to 11 a.m. handing out maps listing the location of all the sales. Maps are free, but donations are welcome and support the Lions many projects in the community.
“Some people just grab a map and go and others give us a very generous donation,” said Tim Moriarty, who takes care of distributing the maps.
The chicken barbecue is available from 11 a.m. until sold out, said Jim Hancock, chair of that feature.
The flea market will be open from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Chris Keller heads the food tent, where hot dogs, hamburgers and beverages are sold.
Another popular feature of the sale is the Lions’ Weinermobile, run by Pete Kaiser and a crew of two. The idea is to be on the streets where people are shopping so they can grab a bite and run and not have to miss any sales.
“One year, the Weinermobile sold out on Beach Avenue, before it reached West Center Street,” Kaiser said. “They had to come back and restock before they could continue.”
Kaiser said Medina has one of the largest Lions clubs in Western New York, with 60 members. Two new ones will be inducted at their next meeting.
“And the majority of them are involved in this fundraiser,” he said.
Eight are signed up for the food tent, five to sell maps and 15 to help with the chicken barbecue,” Keller said.
This is a major fundraiser for the Medina Lions, and last year enabled them to give nearly $12,000 to charitable causes, such as Camp Badger, eye screening, the New York State School for the Blind and scholarships, to name a few.