Medina insurance company adds specialist to help people navigate Medicare

By Ginny Kropf, correspondent Posted 8 February 2024 at 8:24 am

Photos by Ginny Kropf: Liz Schyve of Gasport has joined Walsh Duffield in Medina as a Medicare consultant. She is shown here at her desk in the office at 534 Main St.

MEDINA – Those on Medicare or approaching the age of eligibility for Medicare can turn to Liz Schyve for advice.

Schyve joined Walsh Duffield Insurance last year, after a 16-year career in skilled nursing and long-term care. Her focus with the company will be with people on Medicare or anticipating Medicare.

Walsh Duffield is a fifth-generation family-owned business that has helped countless people and businesses on their financial journey since 1860. The company sits in the top 2 percent of insurance agencies across the United States.

Schyve of Gasport is a former Medina resident. She explained she raised her daughter in Medina during her early years, and Schyve found it a wonderful community that took them in like family.

“I had found myself having to provide for me and my 5-year-old daughter, when I saw this job advertised in the Medina Journal Register for a job in medical records at Orchard Manor,” Schyve said. “It was close to home and even though I took my daughter to the interview with me, they hired me. They adopted us as their ‘family.’”

Two years later she was running medical records when the hospital sold the nursing home. The new owner asked if she would like to be director of admissions.

“I was scared, but it was a good job,” she said.

After graduating from high school, Schyve earned a two-year degree in medical assisting from Bryant and Stratton.

Most recently she was working for Lockport Rehab, when she got a bad case of COVID, which left her with a rapid heartbeat.

“That hasn’t gone away, and I decided I had to find something a little slower,” Schyve said. “I was thinking about how I could do that when my phone rang. It was a friend I had worked with previously who was now working at Walsh Duffield. She said they needed someone for their expanding Medicare team, especially in the Medina and Lockport area.”

She realized that would give her the opportunity to be out in the community, and she accepted.

“I consult with people who are about to turn 65, and work with businesses and their human resource team and those who are getting ready to retire,” Schyve said. “I am excited to be here. I have a wonderful service to offer at no cost.”

She will provide one-on-one consultation with folks who need guidance as they approach retirement, those shopping for a new plan or those wishing information about a stand-alone prescription drug plan, Medicare Advantage plan or other Medicare supplement.

Scott Robinson, director of Marketing, Communication and Outreach at Orleans Community Health, said he can see how resources like Schyve can be helpful, especially to the aging population.

“There are constant challenges with Medicare that often people are not aware of,” Robinson said.

Schyve agreed, saying it’s a good idea for people to review their plan and benefit, because they change every year. She will meet people at the Walsh Duffield office at 534 Main St., or at their home or in a coffee shop.

“I like people and I want to help them make sure they get a plan that’s right for them personally,” Schyve said. “Educating folks about Medicare allows me to demonstrate my passion for helping seniors navigate the complexities of Medicare coverage, so they can make an informed decision. I think this service will be good for the Medina community.”

She recounted her earlier years living in Medina, where she and her daughter would walk downtown from their home on Commercial Street. She currently lives with her husband Gary near Gasport, where they enjoy walking their two dogs and observing local wildlife.

She stresses that Walsh Duffield is a local agency with national resources and capabilities. She can be contacted by calling her directly at (716) 362-7399, at the office at (716) 853-3820 or by e-mail at

In addition, Schyve has received confirmation that she will be allowed to hold a Medicare Basics presentation at Lee-Whedon Memorial Library for people wanting to learn about Medicare as they approach the age of 65. The presentation will take place at 6:30 p.m. March 21. There will be room for 10 people and anyone interested should contact her at the above numbers.

Medicare consultant Liz Schyve stands outside the office of Walsh Duffield in Medina, where she will be available to advise people on Medicare coverage.