Medina increases Boxwood Cemetery rates by 2%

By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 25 May 2023 at 4:59 pm

MEDINA – The Village Board voted this week to increase the costs at Boxwood Cemetery by 2 percent, effective June 1. This follows the typical schedule from the village of boosting the prices 2 percent annually.

One change this time is the village will charging an additional $300 fee for burials or services after 3 p.m. That is because village employees have to stay past a typical work day.

The new rates include:

  • grave purchase – $746 for village residents and $870 for non-village residents
  • grave opening/closing – $621 for village residents, $746 for non-village residents
  • cremains – $372 for residents, $496 for non-village residents (add $200 if two cremations to be placed in same opening)
  • winter burial – $181, from Nov. 15 to March 15
  • Saturday burial – $153