Medina hosts 25 winter guard units for annual ‘Colorburst’ show
MEDINA – Loreli Ryan dances to “Maniac” with the Medina varsity winter guard team during Saturday’s “Colorburst” show at Medina High School.
There were 25 guard units competing at the event, up from 19 from a year ago at the Winter Guard Show in Medina. About 500 people attended the competition.
Medina winter guard members Madelyn Lewis, front, and Natalie Herbert slow down the action for a moment during Medina’s performance. Medina did a take on Dick Clark’s “American Bandstand” and is set to songs of the last several decades.
Caiden Class, a Medina senior, joined the winter guard and is depicting Dick Clark and at times playing his saxophone. MacKenzie Poynter is in front in blue.
Winter guard is a hybrid artform and sport that combines elements of music, dance, choreography and military-like precision in a competitive arena. Winter guard is touted for benefits for participants that include teamwork, fitness, timing, planning, responsibility, coordination, and goal-setting.
Medina competes in the SA class. Here are some photos of the teams in the RA, A1 and SA classes.
The team from Corry, Pa. performed a show called “Life at Sea.”
Gates Chili performed a show, “Illusions of the Eye.”
Members of the Jamestown winter guard performed “Paint It Black.” The began in bright yellow outfits and ended in all black.
The Jamestown team goes from yellow to black to signify a journey from a hapopy life to the dark side.
Hinsdale’s team tosses flags in the air and gets ready to catch them. Their show, “Dreams,” is designed around the dream of building a house with everything you’ve always wanted.
Orchard Park’s show of “Life Goes On” sends a message that it’s possible to move on from someone even if your heart refuses to let go.
Lancaster presented “If I Ran the Zoo” which takes the idea of a traditional zoo and reimagines it where there is no cognition and the animals run wild with juxtaposition.
Victor’s winter guard performed “The Vibrant City.” The scene is set in New Orleans.