Medina hospital named ‘Friend of Education’ by Albion school district
Photo by Tom Rivers
ALBION – Wendy Jacobson (left), CEO of Orleans Community Health/Medina Memorial Hospital, accepts the “Friend of Education Award” on Monday from Margy Brown, president of the Albion Board of Education.
The healthcare organization was recognized for its participation the past three years in the district’s internship program. Albion High School students have been doing internships and observations with doctors, nurses, physician’s assistants and other staff at Medina Memorial Hospital and Orleans Community Health’s Albion healthcare site.
Those experiences convinced many students to pursue careers in healthcare, said Susan Starkweather Miller, the internship coordinator.
Jacobson has embraced the program, and given students access to professionals who work in surgeries, ultrasound, phlebotomy and other programs.
The staff finds the students invigorating, Jacobson said.
“It’s a way to pay back the educators who saw something in us all,” she said.
The district also presented monthly student recognition awards. In the elementary school, Joshua Zayac received the Leadership Award and Bryan Hillman was presented the Character Award.
Tyler Kast, a senior, was also presented with the Leadership Award at the high school. He was unable to attend last month’s board meeting and received the award last evening.