Medina High School celebrates ‘Snowcoming’
Provided photos from Medina Central School
MEDINA – Students and staff at the High School have been getting into the holiday spirit with their annual Snowcoming. Working on the scene include at top, Toby Kiebala, left, and Christian Hahn with Sarah Cochrane on the bottom.
The weeklong event is a lot of fun for the students as they engage in traditional winter activities and various theme days. It’s a great way to bond before the winter break.
The following decorate a tree: Alyssa Beyer, teacher Gianna Sargent, Shelby Green, Madison Kenward, Kristi Oliver, Gianna Greco and Lilly Carpenter.
Shelby Green, Kevin Lasky (Assistant Principal) and Dave Sevenski (BOE President) are pictured by the tree which was donated by Sevenski.