Medina has 2 meetings Tuesday on $4.5 million NY Forward grant

Staff Reports Posted 26 June 2023 at 8:06 am

MEDINA – The Village of Medina will host two public meetings on Tuesday for the $4.5 million NY Forward grant.

Medina is a recipient of a statewide initiative that provides funding for high-priority projects designed to boost local economies and transform village centers where the next generation of New Yorkers will want to live, work and raise a family. The village has formed a Local Planning Committee to identify projects for the $4.5 million.

At 5 p.m., the second committee meeting will be held in the board room at the Medina Central School at 1 Mustang Drive. This meeting will provide an overview of the public engagement conducted thus far and present key findings from the downtown profile. This meeting is open to all members of the public, with time reserved at the end of the meeting for public comment.

Beginning at 7 p.m., a public workshop will be held in the board room at the district office. This meeting will include a general overview of the NY Forward process, a review of the overall schedule, information about project identification and will include an interactive visioning exercise so community members can share their ideas and perspectives about which types of projects will help transform Medina’s downtown.

The Village of Medina is committed to hosting open, inclusive and accessible meetings. To request an accommodation or for inquiries about accessibility, please contact Jeanette Petti at