Medina had a big year for unkempt lawn violators
MEDINA – The village may have had a record-breaking year in 2013 for issuing violation notices for properties with unmowed lawns.
Code Enforcement Officer Marty Busch sent out 234 violation notices, which he said was up from the previous year.
“More and more houses are sitting empty,” Busch told the Village Board on Monday. “We’re cutting more.”
If the property owner doesn’t cut the grass soon after the notice, the village imposes a $100 fine for tall grass and wild weeds. Medina will also have a contractor cut the grass. The $100, plus $65 fee for the grass cutting, is then charged to the property owner. If the bill isn’t paid, it is put on the village tax bill.
The village billed $15,569 for grass and weed violations in 2013, Busch said. A lawn-mowing contractor was paid $4,437. The net of $11,132 goes to the village.
Busch said he spends a lot of time on the issue, inspecting lawns throughout the village and then checking on them after the notices go out.
He wants to keep the fine at $100.
“We want to provide an incentive for people to take care of the problem,” Busch said.