Medina grad is Mustangs new AD
He was a multi sport athlete during his playing days at Medina High and for the past 20 years he has been a multi sport coach for the Mustangs. Now Eric Valley has been appointed to head the athletic program at his alma mater as Medina’s new Athletic Director.
“I’m really excited about it. Being a Medina grad and having coached here for 20 years I’ve spent a lot of time dealing with athletes in various sports,” said Valley. “The opportunity presented itself when Mark (Kruzynski) took a position with the central office and I’m looking forward to it.”
Valley, who teaches art at the high school and also serves as the Mustangs varsity football coach, was appointed by the Board of Education Monday after Kruzynski, who has been serving as both high school principal and athletic director, was appointed the district’s new director of finance.
“I have a lot to learn but I’ve been working some with Mark and the transition should be pretty smooth, ” said Valley who will assume his new position on July 1. He will continue to teach art and coach varsity football.