Medina drains big water tank for inspection

By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 28 September 2015 at 12:00 am

Photo by Tom Rivers

MEDINA – The big 3-million gallon water tank on Route 31A is being drained so inspectors can check the tank for structural deficiencies.

Crews started draining the tank this morning and it should be empty of water at about 3 a.m. Tuesday (Sept. 29), said Peter Houseknecht, Medina Department of Public Works superintendent.

The tank has interior cracks that were identified in a previous inspection when the tank was full of water. Draining the tank will give inspectors a better chance to assess the tank, which was built in 1959 on Route 31A.

An engineering report from June said the village could spend $600,000 to $1 million in repairing the tank and making improvements to give it at least another 20 years of use.

The village is seeking state and federal grants and assistance to help upgrade the tank. Houseknecht is hopeful grants through the U.S. Department of Agriculture or the state Environmental Facilities Corporation can bring the village’s costs down for a rehab of the tank.

A report from Larsen Engineers said the village needs to at least fix the interior cracks and put in a mixing system. To build a new tank would cost $2.5 million or more, according to the Larsen report.

Houseknecht said the village will tackle tank upgrades next year. There is some concern about another harsh winter and the toll that weather could have on the concrete tank, he said.

The tank should be refilled in two to three weeks. Houseknecht said it is a reserve supply for village residents and businesses. Having the tank off-line won’t have much impact on water pressure, he said.