Medina couple aims to scare on Halloween
Photos by Tom Rivers
MEDINA – Bill Beach and his fiancée Linda Postle have turned their backyard into a graveyard. Their carriage house is full of skeletons, witches and scary clowns.
They will open up their displays to the community on Halloween. It will be their fourth time welcoming people to their haunted house at 341 East Oak Orchard St. They team with their neighbors, Rich and Lisa Kenward, and other cast and crew for the production.
“Every year it grows,” Postle said.
The carriage house has some characters up high.
Postle started having a Halloween display a few years ago when she lived on Culvert Road out in the country. Her neighbors liked it, but Postle said there weren’t too many trick-or-treaters out there.
There is a big crowd of children in the village on Halloween. She and Beach wear costumes when they greet the visitors and welcome them to see the ghoulish display in the backyard and carriage house. They don’t try to scare little kids, but they admitted they like to push it with the teen-agers. Some high school kids run down the driveway, dropping their candy because of the fright.
“People come in by the carloads,” Beach said. “People when they leave here they say, Excellent, excellent job.'”
New this year includes skeletons playing cards at a bar.
Postle has a series of grave markers with the names of famous horror stars, including Freddy Kruger, Jason Vorhees, Carrie White and Michael Myers.
She smiled as she looked out on the lawn of characters.
“It breaks up the monotony in life,” she said.