Medina booters score 3 indoor wins
All three Medina teams scored victories over the weekend in Kenan Indoor Soccer League competition.
In the Junior Division, Medina nipped Zimmi’s Auto Service 5-4 to improve to 3-4.
Trevor Hare and Sherri Kowal each scored two goals and Destiny Satkowski one for Medina.
In the Senior Division, Medina 1 improved its second place record to 4-2-1 by romping past Zimmi’s Auto Service 11-4.
Barry Rogenmoser poured in five goals to lead the Medina attack. Katie O’Connor netted two and Scott Barber, Josh White, Brennen O’Connor and Zach Dlugosz one each.
The front-running Medina 2 team boosted its record to 7-1 with an 8-3 victory over Citizen’s Bank.
Brian Anderson led the way with four goals. Anthony Pane added two and Collin Dunn and Alyssa Mahnke one each.