Medina approves canopy for Kwik Fill

By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 4 March 2014 at 12:00 am

File photo by Tom Rivers – The Kwik Fill on Pearl Street will have a new canopy with lights and fire extinguishers. The site will also go from four gas dispensers to two which will improve traffic flow on the lot.

MEDINA – Motorists getting gas at the Kwik Fill on Pearl Street will soon have a canopy to shield them from rain and more lights from on high to improve the safety of the site.

The Village of Medina Planning Board tonight approved the site plan to add a canopy that will be 15 feet above the ground. The canopy will have lights and a fire extinguishing system.

The gas station at 118 Pearl St. also will upgrade the gas pumps, with new concrete pads and gas piping. The gas station’s owner, Petroleum Services Inc. of Hilton, also will reduce the number of gas dispensers from four to two which will improve the traffic flow on the lot, said Marty Busch, the village’s code enforcement officer.

The Planning Board also said the project would not have any negative environmental impacts.

File photo by Tom Rivers – Ellen J. Goods recently put up a sign on Main Street that includes a chair. The Village Planning Board approved the sign during its meeting tonight.

In other action, the Planning Board:

Issued a certificate of appropriateness for a sign at the Ellen J. Goods store at 433 Main St. The sign includes a chair that is attached to the façade.

The sign was installed more than a month ago. The store’s owner, Lynne Brundage, was working to have the store open and the sign up for the Wine About Winter event on Feb. 1, Busch said.

Planning Board members have looked at the sign in person and they unanimously agreed it’s a nice match with the historic district.

“It fits just fine,” said board member Marguerite Sherman. “It’s cute.”

Courtesy of smartDESIGN architecture PLLC – A new 4,300-square-foot building will be used by United Memorial Medical at the former Pizza Hut location on Maple Ridge Road.

A month after approving a Batavia hospital’s plan for a new health care center on Maple Ridge Road, planners saw a revision to the site plan that eliminates two of the parking spaces and a bump-out, which improves a turning radius in the parking lot.

Planning Board members said they are happy United Memorial Medical Center made the change.

Real estate developer Chad La Civita of Buffalo will demolish the former Pizza Hut and build a new 4,300 square-foot site for UMMC .

The Batavia hospital has been providing women’s health services at 100 Ohio St., space owned by Medina Memorial Hospital. Medina closed its birthing wing in July 2011. UMMC now delivers more than 100 babies a year to Orleans County women.

The new site will have more space for doctors, patients and staff. UMMC provides obstetrics, gynecological care and other health services. The project now includes 26 parking spaces.